Friday, June 12, 2009

buz exercise - 12/06/2009

It was the first day that we were given an opportunity to go out of the campus for practically the entire day.Hence,my spirits were definitely high and i was looking forward to a fun day-which it totally turned out to be,but at the same time it was a rather satisfying one too.
The thought of having money in my bag and not being able to use it because of the rules,was a very challenging one.On the other hand,the thought of travelling through mediums such as 'lifts' was very fascinating.
So,my buddy (simran) and me are off (we were the only girls group),running on the streets with sarees,begging for lifts and finally managing to get three to make it to our destination- Lakshmi road.Here,i must add that people in Pune were extremely helpful-afterall there were 60 students on every road that led to Lakshmi road begging for lifts and all 60 of them manged to get the lift!
So we reach Lakshmi Road and simran and i thought it would be easy for us to find a job.But heres the catch-most of the stores we entered catered to male customers and even if they dont they are full of slaes people who are male and they do not need any lady help.At one store we actually got a response saying 'if we hire you,our salesmen will get distracted'.Everywhere we went we just heard a big NO.
Dying to find work,thirsty and hungry,we even go to a roadside eating joint and beg for work offering to wash utensils and clean the floor.But the owner refused on the grounds of it not being the right place for us,which we understood.But we were still happy because we got a free tea.:)

At last,we find a job in a small jewellery store called LADALI jewellery which dealt in artificial jewellery.We had been HIRED.It was a sense of achievement.Our fellow lady sales people were very warm and helpful and explained what needed to be done,what was kept where etc etc.And before i knew,we were selling the jewellery to customers.Sometimes the customers would flood in and somtimes the store would be empty.And during the free time i would look around the store...and i liked some stuff,but i dint buy it.Come lunch time and we were being forced to to gave lunch for which our boss would pay,but somehow we already felt indebted to him for being so nice and kind that we dint feel like eating at his expense.Then we sold products worth Rs 350 and we felt very very good.Our first sale ever.But then its 4'o'clock and we bid them goodbye with a smile and they bid us goodbye with Rs 200 and a glass of juice each.Our first earning and so we were very proud of ourselves.
Then the lift session started again.Luckily the first car we stopped dropped us all the way to E-Square.On our way we get to know that he was actually a recruiter for about 200 companies in Pune.I wasnt aware that this exercise could help us build contacts.Reached Kakade mall and meet our fellow batchmates and thers excitement and discussions everywhere.
Turned out to be a fulfilling,fun.tiring,and learning experience.

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